The Van Wert County Courthouse

Saturday, Feb. 15, 2025

Weiss resigns from VW school board

Van Wert independent

The Van Wert City Board of Education met in special session for the announcement that Board member Jessica Weiss was resigning, effective July 31.

Jessica Weiss attends Wednesday's special meeting of the Van Wert City Board of Education. (Dave Mosier/Van Wert independent)

Weiss said the family would be relocating to Oklahoma City, Okla., where her husband, Eric, will be taking an operational excellence manager’s position with an Eaton Corporation plant in Shawnee, Okla.

Weiss, who also is coordinator for the local Junior Achievement program, said she would miss Van Wert, which is her hometown. “It is sad to leave Van Wert,” Weiss added. “Van Wert will always be our home, we have a lot of roots here and family here.”

While it is a big move, Weiss noted that her family is also looking forward to it, in some ways. “We’re just embracing the change, going with it,” she noted.

The board also came up with an action plan for choosing her successor during Wednesday’s special meeting. The board has set Wednesday, July 10, as the deadline for people to let Superintendent Ken Amstutz know of their interest in the position. Those interested can call Amstutz at 419.238.0648.

Starting July 11 and running through July 23, the board will interview candidates individually in executive session and then announce at the July 24 board meeting who has been selected for the position.

The new board member will then be formally appointed during the August 21 board meeting and will serve the remainder of Weiss’ term, which runs through December 2015.

POSTED: 06/27/13 at 6:10 am. FILED UNDER: News