VWHS homecoming court
The Van Wert High School Student Council is pleased to announce this year’s 2013-2014 Homecoming Court. Homecoming ceremonies will take place at 7 p.m. this Friday, October 4, at Eggerss Stadium. This year’s senior queen candidates are (front row, from the left) Holly Lawson, Sydney Dull and Lauren Mathew; (back row) freshman attendant Meredith Adams, sophomore attendant Phoebe Eutsler and junior attendant Emily Bair. A homecoming parade is also planned for Wednesday, October 2, starting at 6:30 p.m., on Jefferson Street, from St. Mark’s Lutheran Church to Fountain Park, where a pep rally will be held. Parade Grand Marshal will be Tyler Priest. Following that will be the annual Powder Puff Football Game in Eggerss Stadium. (VWHS photo)
POSTED: 09/30/13 at 6:06 am. FILED UNDER: News