The Van Wert County Courthouse

Saturday, Jan. 18, 2025

Elks issue reminder on Soccer Shootout

Van Wert Elks information

Van Wert Lodge 1197, Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, would like to remind all boys and girls of its annual Elks Soccer Shoot on Saturday, May 3. Registration begins at 9 a.m. at the Elks Lodge, 1197 Elks Drive on Van Wert. The shoot will begin at 9:30 that morning.

Soccer ball artwork 4-2014The contest is open to both boys and girls, who will compete in four age groups: 7 and under; 8-9 year olds; 10-11 year olds and 12-13 year olds.

Each contestant will kick 15 shots at the goal. Participants can wear their jerseys or shirts of choice, pants or shorts and appropriate footwear. Shin guards and protective gear are not necessary, but may be worn.

The winners of the local contest will compete at the Northwest District Soccer Shoot, which will be held in Findlay on Saturday, June 14.  The district winners will advance to the state contest, which will be held in Coshocton on July 26.

The district winners who advance to the state competition will have overnight lodging provided for them and their immediate family by the Ohio Elks Association.

The rain date (only if pouring and/or lightning) will be May 10.

POSTED: 04/29/14 at 5:51 am. FILED UNDER: Sports