The Van Wert County Courthouse

Friday, Feb. 7, 2025

Jo (Schaffner) Gold, 63, died peacefully on Saturday, June 28, 2014, at the Cookeville (Tennessee) Regional Medical Center. She was born July 5, 1950, in Van Wert County, the daughter of the late John and Glenda (Rauch) Schaffner. She married Jeff Gold, who survives in Cookeville, Tennessee. Other survivors include a daughter, Melissa (Arthur) Goldsipe […]

POSTED: 06/30/14 at 1:21 pm. FILED UNDER: Obituaries

There were lots of activities over the weekend at the 2014 edition of Willshire Days. Included were inflatables, entertainment, bingo and, of course, the annual Willshire Days Parade. (photos by Beth Marchek for the Van Wert independent)

POSTED: 06/30/14 at 1:59 am. FILED UNDER: News

Gasoline price information North American oil prices have advanced by just a few pennies since Iraqi violence put a question mark around the future stability of supply, but U.S. consumers will still see the most expensive July 4 gasoline prices in six years, GasBuddy predicted on Friday. “Fear about what could happen if Iraqi exports […]

POSTED: 06/30/14 at 1:43 am. FILED UNDER: News

Raymond A. “Bud” Etgen died at 9:56 p.m. Friday, June 27, 2014, at the Van Wert Area Inpatient Hospice Center. He was born May 19, 1965, in Van Wert, the son of Raymond Etgen, who survives in rural Van Wert, and the late Phyllis “Sue” Etgen. Other survivors include his grandmother, Sara Kanable; three uncles […]

POSTED: 06/29/14 at 11:06 pm. FILED UNDER: Obituaries

Submitted information Paulding County Sheriff Jason Landers  has announced that the issues that county was experiencing with its enhanced 9-1-1 telephone system have been resolved. “I apologize for any inconvenience this might have caused,” Sheriff Landers noted. “We strive to bring the best customer service possible to our citizens. “I praise the representatives from Windstream […]

POSTED: 06/28/14 at 10:57 pm. FILED UNDER: News

Brass Transit again proved it was one of the best (if not THE best) Chicago tribute bands in the land as it belted out a number of the iconic band’s favorite hits, including “Saturday in the Park,” “Just You and Me,” “25 or 6 to 4” and “Only the Beginning” for a large and appreciative […]

POSTED: 06/28/14 at 1:19 am. FILED UNDER: News

VW independent/submitted information Last winter sent energy costs soaring, but the Van Wert County Fair’s newest exhibition was created to give area residents options on ways to save money on energy in the future. The county’s first energy expo (NRG XPO), sponsored by Trillium CNG and Iberdrola Renewables, will feature vendors of alternative and sustainable […]

POSTED: 06/28/14 at 1:18 am. FILED UNDER: News

VWCS employees ended the school year by participating in a “dress casual” fundraiser. As a result of schoolwide support, the fundraiser netted $1,250 for the Brumback summer reading program and an equal amount for the YWCA food program. Shown above are Marcia Weldy of Brumback Library and Jeff Hood of the Van Wert Federation of […]

POSTED: 06/28/14 at 12:55 am. FILED UNDER: News

VW Rib Fest information Once again this year, area cornhole enthusiasts will have the chance to take part in the annual Van Wert Rib Fest Corn Hole Tournament.  The date is August 9 at the Rib Fest site on the Van Wert County Fairgrounds.  Play will begin at 1 p.m. This year, for the first […]

POSTED: 06/28/14 at 12:53 am. FILED UNDER: News

The Van Wert High School Robotics Team received a grant of $1,500 from The Van Wert County Foundation to help fund the team for the upcoming year.  The grant was made through the Frank W. Leslie Fund. The picture above of the team at the Robotics World Championships this past year will also likely be […]

POSTED: 06/28/14 at 12:49 am. FILED UNDER: News