‘Bigs’ sought for Marsh’s Supper Club
Submitted information
The Marsh Foundation and Big Brothers Big Sisters need volunteers to be a “Big” for the Supper Club Program.
There are several youths at The Marsh Foundation looking forward to spending some time with a special friend a couple of times a month, beginning in late October. Without enough volunteers, some of these youngsters may not be able to participate in the program.
One youth from the program in the past said that the best day he had in Supper Club was the day he got his Big! Area residents could help give another youth the same experience.
As part of the Supper Club program, Bigs and Littles get together on the first and third Thursdays of the month for supper and an activity. Some of the activities planned include a Christmas party and feast, all group birthday party, art project at Wassenberg Art Center, service projects, going to Camp Clay, making meals, “Minute to Win It” games, The Amazing Race, and lots of other fun things to do.
Volunteers also visit their Little at the youth’s group home once a month on a weekend day of their choosing for a couple of hours.
To participate in this program or for more information, contact Big Brothers Big Sisters at 419.394.2990, 866.670.BBBS, or email neberle@bbbsma.com or contact Sherry Grone from The Marsh Foundation at 419.605.2512 or sgrone@marshfoundation.org.
It doesn’t take a lot to make a big difference in a life of a young person at The Marsh Foundation. A past Marsh resident summed it up when he said “It is really cool how you guys do this for us. It is really appreciated. It’s a lot of fun.”
POSTED: 08/27/14 at 6:57 am. FILED UNDER: News