The Van Wert County Courthouse

Tuesday, Sep. 10, 2024

Newtown 9-1-1 director to speak here

VW County 9-1-1 information

The first call at 9:35 a.m. December 14, 2012, came from a secretary in the school’s office. Seconds later, the emergency dispatchers took another call from Sandy Hook Elementary School — this one from a custodian.

Dispatchers didn’t need to ask why. They could hear the gunshots over the phone. Barely five minutes later, 20 first-graders and six adults were dead and a community would never be the same.

Maureen Will
Maureen Will

Maureen Will, director of the Emergency Communications Center in Newtown, Connecticut, will be in Van Wert on Wednesday, October 8, to share lessons learned from the tragic shooting.

The free training: “School Shooting — Lessons Learned,” sponsored by Van Wert County 9-1-1, will be held in the Vantage Career Center Community Room. The training will run from 8 a.m. until 4:30 p.m., with Will to speak in the morning, while the afternoon session will feature area law enforcement officials, including Van Wert County Sheriff Tom Riggenbach, Van Wert Police Officer Greg Blackmore, and Allen County Sheriff’s Deputy Chad Lauck, who will discuss law enforcement’s side of the call, including information officers need from dispatchers in a crisis like a school shooting.

“The training will cover emergency responding from the communications standpoint,” said County 9-1-1 Director Kim Brandt. “We will discuss information technology, communications, handling the media, and dealing with the aftermath.

“This is a rare opportunity for dispatchers, emergency responders and school personnel in our communities to add to their training and preparation,” Brandt added.

Registration will be accepted until the capacity of 100 seats is filled or September 30, Brandt said.

Cost of the program and lunch will be covered by Van Wert County 9-1-1 Operations, which funds training through sales of ads on the annual law enforcement calendars.

Those wanting to register should call Brandt at 419.238.3866 (sheriff’s office) as soon as possible or email attendee names and agency information to

POSTED: 08/27/14 at 7:06 am. FILED UNDER: News