The Van Wert County Courthouse

Friday, May. 3, 2024

Satisfying an NPAC audience

Satisfying an NPAC audience


Running a performing arts center is a job I feel blessed to have.  I have always said, what better job someone can have than to be involved in music and, through it, bring joy to so many people?  Music has been a part of my life for so many years that I can say it is not a job, but it is who I am.

Presenting concerts at the Niswonger Performing Arts Center and, soon, Fountain Park, once again, is a pleasure. What pleases me the most is seeing happy faces of audience members before, during and after the concerts. On occasion, however, there are some not real pleased.  I understand completely. For some, it’s too loud, while for others (believe it or not) it’s not loud enough. For some, the hall is too hot, while for others, it’s too cold.

I suppose it would be appropriate to explain a few factors which affect people differently.  Regarding the sound level at concerts, the more “prominent” the performers, the less control we have over sound levels.  With the performers so many want to see, they normally bring their own sound man and quite often bring their own system (although sometimes, I think ours is far superior.)  I guess the thinking is that “their guy” knows the show, the performers, and knows just how they want it to sound.  They mix the sound concert after concert and think they can do a better job.  Sometimes I wonder?

What seems to irritate some is the level of sound. For instance, I got a letter (not all that unusual) from someone complaining of the sound level of a recent concert. I also heard complaints from a few others in the lobby. That’s fine. I understand. What people however need to know is that we do not control the sound mix, which affects how you understand what is being sung.  We hope that the person they bring knows what they are doing and can adapt the show mix to the acoustics of our hall. Sometimes, I think we could do a better job. The natural acoustics of the Van Wert County Foundation Saltzgaber Music Hall are very good. An acoustician from the East Coast was hired to design the hall and did a marvelous job.

Although contracts strictly state that the performers have final say on sound levels, I have commented on the levels during sound checks. The common retort is that it will be different once people get in the hall. I understand this and try to give the soundman credit for knowing better.  Sometimes we win and sometimes we lose. Thankfully, we win far more often than we lose.  But we are not perfect. To quote President Lincoln: “You can please some of the people all of the time, you can please all of the people some of the time, but you can’t please all of the people all of the time”. Our goal though is to always try!

It’s good to understand the heating and cooling of the Music Hall.  Unfortunately, it’s not like our living rooms at home where we can go to the thermostat and make a quick adjustment.  First of all, the hall is a large room.  Think of how many living rooms you could fit inside the music hall? The controls of heating and cooling throughout the Niswonger PAC are controlled by a computer (what else?) system that takes many elements into consideration.  Outdoor temperatures, humidity levels, ozone counts per number of people, wind, sun, changing outdoor temperatures, and on and on. I certainly don’t understand it all.  I’m like you, I only know if I’m hot or cold. I am told that circulating air is required to control such a large area.  When the air hits you, it normally feels cold, regardless of the temperature.

We work with school officials who control the settings to try and make each setting as comfortable as possible. Sometimes we get it just right and sometimes “the porridge is just too cold,” to steal a line from an old nursery rhyme. However it is, the temperature certainly fluctuates throughout a performance when taking body temperatures into consideration.

Okay, I think this is enough sharing of information on our behalf. Please just understand that we are constantly trying to make a concert experience just right for everyone in attendance.  Wish us luck!


POSTED: 05/06/15 at 12:03 am. FILED UNDER: News