Annual Youth Fun Rabbit Show held

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Things were a-hoppin’ at the Van Wert County Fairgrounds Rabbit Barn on Saturday during the annual Youth Fun Rabbit Show. Youth from all over the region were invited to participate at the
show to warm up their skills for upcoming county fair rabbit shows. Five judges worked with the young people on showing rabbits and showmanship. The Van Wert County Bunny Hopper 4-H Club and the Van Wert County Youth Rabbit Club sponsored the event.
The best in show rabbit was Evelyn Lamb’s Netherland Dwarf and second best in show was Brynn Mollenkopf with an English Spot. In showmanship Allison Hauter, Gracie Mull, and Ella Lamb took the top honors.

POSTED: 06/17/15 at 2:33 pm. FILED UNDER: Youth