The Van Wert County Courthouse

Monday, Nov. 4, 2024

Twig III announces Tree of Lights event

VW independent/submitted information

The Twig III Tree of Lights ceremony will be held Monday, December 7, in the lobby of Van Wert County Hospital.

Tree of Lights 2014-Hanging star
Van Wert County Hospital President/CEO Mark Minick places a star on the tree in front of the hospital last year as part of Twig III’s Tree of Lights ceremony. (file photo)

The program will begin at 7 p.m. with Pastor William Haggis II leading the group in a Christmas/giving message.  Jake Wilder will present musical entertainment, both vocal and keyboard, in the Christmas spirit.

This is the 22nd year Twig III has sponsored this event. During the ceremony, those purchasing a star will hang it on the 30-foot evergreen tree in front of the hospital. The lighting will take place after the service, followed by refreshments in the hospital cafeteria.

The public is welcome to attend the service. For further information, call 419.238.2239.

POSTED: 11/30/15 at 9:00 am. FILED UNDER: News