The Van Wert County Courthouse

Monday, Jan. 20, 2025

Midwest Electric offering scholarships

Midwest Electric information

ST. MARYS — West central Ohio high school seniors could be eligible for college scholarships from Midwest Electric and the Ohio Rural Electric Cooperatives (OREC).

Midwest Electric has two scholarship programs — a general scholarship for students with a cumulative GPA of at least 3.5; and the Touchstone Energy Achievement Scholarship for students with at least a 2.75 GPA and who have overcome adversity or personal challenges in pursuit of their goals.

For the general scholarship, six student finalists will compete for $9,000 in scholarships from Midwest Electric. Three boys and three girls will vie for two $2,000 scholarships, as well as two $1,500 and two $1,000 awards.

The top boy and girl finalists will represent Midwest Electric in the OREC competition in Columbus where they will compete against students representing other Ohio electric cooperatives. OREC awards 18 scholarships totaling $34,000.

For the Touchstone Energy Achievement Scholarship, Midwest Electric will award one $2,000 winner, and OREC will give six $2,000 awards.

To be eligible for the 2016 scholarship programs, applicants must be graduating seniors who have all the basic credits for college, vocational or technical school entrance. Applicants must be a child or legal ward of a Midwest Electric member.

Other provisions apply. Contact a high school guidance counselor or Midwest Electric for more information or an application.

Completed applications are due at Midwest Electric by January 15, 2016. For an application form, students may visit and click on the My Community page for the scholarship link or call Kecia Schmerge at Midwest Electric at 800.962.3830, or email

Based in St. Marys, Midwest Electric is the customer-owned electric cooperative for 10,500 homes, farms and businesses in Allen, Auglaize, Mercer, Van Wert, Shelby, Putnam and Darke counties.

POSTED: 12/21/15 at 8:07 am. FILED UNDER: News, Youth