United Way gives to Council on Aging
United Way of VW County information
United Way of Van Wert County recently awarded $6,880 to the Van Wert County Council on Aging to help with the purchase of a new lift-equipped vehicle for its transportation programs.
The goal of Council on Aging transportation programs is to help transport clients to places that help them meet their daily life sustaining needs. Trips include physician appointments in and out of town, grocery shopping, and banking.
The agency, through current United Way funding, is able to provide transportation to clients under the age of 60.
The mission of the Van Wert County Council on Aging is to be an advocate of independent living in later years and help seniors secure and maintain maximum independence and dignity.
United Way of Van Wert County helps improve lives by mobilizing the caring power of people and organizations within the county to advance the common good. The United Way office is located at 1151 Westwood Drive and can be contacted by calling 419.238.6689 or by email at unitedway109@embarqmail.com.
POSTED: 12/30/15 at 8:53 am. FILED UNDER: News