The Van Wert County Courthouse

Friday, Dec. 13, 2024

United Way campaign

Federal-Mogul United Way campaign 1-2016

Federal-Mogul Corporation’s Van Wert plant recently completed its 2015-2016 campaign for United Way of Van Wert County. Plant employees were able to raise over $32,000 for the 25 agencies that United Way funds. Federal-Mogul is one of the few local companies that matches employee contributions 100 percent. Federal-Mogul employees have participated in the annual Day of Caring for several years by collecting food items, making available storage area for barrels, and providing transportation for the daylong event. Hourly and salary staff representatives include (from the left) and salary staff are (from the left) Kirk Lichtensteiger, Rachelle Swary, Randy Chivington, and Karen Ducheney. (United Way photo)

POSTED: 01/28/16 at 9:18 am. FILED UNDER: News