The Van Wert County Courthouse

Friday, Nov. 8, 2024

Science Fun Night

St. Mary's Science Fun Night promo pic 1-2016

St. Mary of the Assumption Catholic School is hosting a Science Fun Night for children ages 4-10 at 6:30 p.m. Thursday, February 4, in the school gymnasium, 611 Jennings Road. Children will be introduced to dynamic science topics through hands-on activities that enhance science inquiry skills and encourage continued learning. The seven science stations include: Oobleck, lava lamps, rainbow density, balloon races, hoop glider, duck calls, and Flubber. There will also be an interactive display by the Delphos St. John’s Lego Robotics Team. There is no admission charge, but those attending are asked to bring one canned good per person, if possible, for donation to the United Way Food Pantry. (photo submitted)

POSTED: 01/30/16 at 7:59 am. FILED UNDER: News