The Van Wert County Courthouse

Saturday, Feb. 15, 2025

4-H — Venedocia Lads and Lassies

The Venedocia Lads and Lassies held their last meeting on June 23 at the Venedocia Lions club.  Pledges were led by Andrew Bockey.  Allison Bowser, Ella Wilson and Andrew Bocky presented a health report . Keaton Adkins and Luke Bockey had a safety report and Chloe Kroeger had a demonstration.

The club has been talking about saving bottle caps and other plastics and once a certain amount of pounds is collected we will get another bench made similar to the one donated last year.

Non-livestock project judging (cooking, scrapbooking, archery etc) will be held July 14 at the Van Wert school. Livestock project judging will be held July 25 from 3-7 p.m. at the Vantage Career Center.

Further information for the project judging dates and times will be sent in the mail.

The next meeting will be held on July 14 at the Venedocia Lions Club at 7 p.m.

POSTED: 06/29/16 at 2:29 pm. FILED UNDER: Youth