Buckeye Youth sets Autumn Adventure
Submitted information
Buckeye Youth will be having its annual Autumn Adventure Sleepover on Saturday, November 5, from 8 p.m. until 8 a.m. on Sunday, November 6. The event will be held in the “heated” Extension Meeting Room in the Administration Building at the Fairgrounds.
Buckeye Youth will have a hayride, bonfire, games, prizes, costume contest, movies, and a sleepover. All Buckeye Youth with a currently paid membership will be allowed to stay free. Cost for all other children ages 5-12 will be $10 for the first child and $5 for additional siblings. This entitles a child to attend the sleepover and have a full year’s membership with Buckeye Youth. Membership includes club meetings, field trips, activities, and discounts on events open to the public.
The event will be well supervised by adult and teen volunteers, and it is recommended that young children be accompanied by an older sibling, parent, or guardian for the overnight. Children of parents staying overnight and helping with the activities may stay free and still receive membership benefits. Children may stay a part of the night or all night.
Registration forms are available outside the Buckeye Youth office, 147 E. Main St., Suite D, in downtown Van Wert, and preferably returned to the office, with payment, by Wednesday, November 2. For more information or to pre-register a child by phone, call 419.238.3546 and leave a message. Someone will be available at the office between 3:30 and 7 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays, and 3 to 4:30 p.m. Wednesdays.
Buckeye Youth is a United Way agency, and Van Wert County Foundation grant recipient.
POSTED: 10/27/16 at 7:36 am. FILED UNDER: Youth