The Van Wert County Courthouse

Friday, Dec. 13, 2024

Annual Christmas program scheduled

stmarysxmasThe students of St. Mary of the Assumption Catholic School will present their annual Christmas Program on Sunday, December 11, in the school’s gymnasium starting at 4 p.m. This year’s program is titled, “Gabriel’s Big Break”.

“Gabriel’s Big Break” is a charming musical that presents the story of Christ’s birth from the angels’ point of view. Throughout the production, Gabriel has to work very hard to complete his checklist to prepare for the coming of Jesus.

The production will also feature traditional Christmas carols, along with some new songs.. Several of our students will also be featured on the piano. The program will conclude with the students re-enacting the traditional Nativity. This school-wide performance includes all students from K+ to Sixth Grade and is directed by our music teacher, Erin Stokes. St. Mary of the Assumption Catholic School invites and welcomes you to attend their free Christmas production.

POSTED: 12/07/16 at 2:53 pm. FILED UNDER: St. Mary's News