OSU Extension plans 2017 Agronomy Day
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Join the Ohio State University Extension-Van Wert County office from 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Thursday, February 16, for its informational “Agronomy Day”, to be held in the Junior Fair Building on the Van Wert County Fairgrounds.
Speakers include Jeff Stachler, ag educator from Auglaize County, on “Weed Populations are Changing Again — Now What?”; Ed Lentz, ag educator from Hancock County, “How does Chicken Manure Fit into Your Nutrient Phosphorus Management Plan?”; Glen Arnold, OSU field specialist-manure nutrient management systems, “A Reminder of the Winter Manure Application Rules in the Western Lake Erie Basin” and using livestock manure with growing corn to capture the nitrogen value; Elizabeth Hawkins, OSU field specialist-agronomic systems, “Sorting through the Numbers … Science vs Sales”; and Dee Jepsen, OSU State agricultural safety program leader, “Getting Back into Livestock Production? Bring Your Safety Management Practices Up to Date.”
A continental breakfast, lunch, CCA credits, vendors, and information everyone can use will be provided for $10 to those registered by February 10; $20 at the door. Call 419.238.1214 for reservations.
POSTED: 01/26/17 at 8:16 am. FILED UNDER: News