The Van Wert County Courthouse

Friday, Nov. 8, 2024

Summer youth jobs program announced

VW independent/submitted information

The West Ohio Community Action Partnership (WOCAP) is working with the Van Wert County Ohio Means Jobs Center, YMCA, and other community partners to enroll youths in the STEP Up! Youth Employment Program!

STEP Up! will help young adults ages 16 to 24 years old explore their skills and interests, research future career and education options, and build soft skills in areas like financial literacy, professionalism, teamwork and communication, and on-the-job skills. Participants are also eligible to complete paid work experiences with local businesses in the community.

STEP Up! promo pic 3-2017WOCAP will work directly with youths to identify a worksite that matches their skills, interests, and education and employment goals. Youths can earn $10 per hour working up to 40 hours per week.

Applications for the STEP Up! Youth Employment Program are available now at many locations throughout the county. They can be picked up at local high schools, the Van Wert County Ohio Means Jobs Center, or by contacting Mindy Eales at 419.227.2586.

The YMCA, 241 W. Main St. in Van Wert, will be hosting information events for the STEP Up! Youth Program. Youths and parents who would like to ask questions or pick up applications can stop by the YMCA any time from 3 to 6 p.m. on April 6 and April 14, and speak with a youth specialist.

The YMCA has been a participating youth employer for over five years and hosts youths at Camp Clay during the Summer Employment Program.

For more information, contact Andrea Morrow at 567.259.9325 or at

POSTED: 03/31/17 at 7:43 am. FILED UNDER: News