Latta co-sponsors anti-harassment bill
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WASHINGTON, D.C. — U.S. Representative Bob Latta (R-Bowling Green) has co-sponsored a resolution to require anti-harassment and anti-discrimination training for all Congressional employees, including Members of Congress. The resolution will be voted on the House floor today.
In addition to training, the resolution tasks the Committee on House Administration with issuing regulations to ensure compliance and transparency within 30 days of its enactment.
“The sexual harassment cases that have come to light in the previous weeks has shown the need to have strong rules and protocols in place to prevent this sort of behavior in Congress,” said Latta. “This resolution takes the first step toward this effort by establishing mandatory anti-harassment training that all Members of Congress and staff must complete.
“The resolution also makes clear the rights and protections employees have in the workplace,” Latta added. “In addition, I’m alarmed by the lack of transparency regarding the use of taxpayer money in the payments of harassment settlements. The public expects that elected officials will adhere to high standards, and the use of undisclosed taxpayer money from secret funds to pay sexual harassment settlements is unconscionable.”
POSTED: 11/29/17 at 8:19 am. FILED UNDER: News