Central offers foundation scholarships
VW independent/submitted information
Central Insurance Companies has announced applications are now available for the scholarship program of the company’s Educational and Charitable Foundation. This scholarship program was developed to reward and support graduates seeking careers in the property and casualty insurance industry. Central has provided financial security, protection, and peace of mind to policyholders for over 140 years, and believes that by providing assistance to career-minded individuals, it can perpetuate this legacy.
Scholarships of up to $5,000 per student are available. To be eligible, students must be graduating in 2018 from one of the Van Wert County school districts (Crestview, Lincolnview, or Van Wert High School or Vantage Career Center, with a home school association to Crestview, Lincolnview, or Van Wert high schools). Dependent children of current Central Insurance Companies’ employees and retirees, regardless of the school attended, are also eligible. The scholarship may only be used toward tuition, books, other related school fees, and room and board. It is an annual scholarship that may be renewed up to three additional years.
While not exclusively an academic scholarship, applicants must demonstrate academic promise and good character. A minimum 3.0 GPA in high school is required. Applicants are asked to complete an extensive application and provide a personally written essay, two sealed letters of recommendation, and a current official high school transcript.
The student must be planning to attend an accredited two- or four-year post-secondary educational institution on a full-time basis by the end of 2018. The school of choice must have a program leading to a degree, diploma, or certificate in the student’s chosen major. The school may be a college, university, business, or technical school. The student’s major must have a specific use towards a career position within the insurance industry.
This scholarship will be awarded on an objective and non-discriminatory basis without regard to race, color, national origin, religion, or sex. The names of scholarship recipients will be posted on the Foundation’s website as soon as the recipients have accepted the scholarship.
Applications are available on the Central Insurance Companies Educational and Charitable Foundation website at www.cicecf.org or may be obtained through a high school guidance counselor. Completed applications and required materials should be submitted through the applicant’s high school guidance office. Deadline for entry is March 30.
Answers to frequently asked questions are available on the Foundation’s website at www.cicecf.org. Questions about the application procedure should be directed to the student’s Guidance Counselor. Questions about the scholarship or the Foundation should be directed to: Central Insurance Companies Educational and Charitable Foundation, 800 S. Washington St., Van Wert, OH 45891. Questions may also be emailed to cicecf@central-insurance.com. The Central Insurance Companies Educational and Charitable Foundation reserves the right to make changes to this program as it deems necessary.
The public may make contributions to Central’s Educational and Charitable Foundation with the understanding that these contributions will be used to support the scholarship program or specific charities.