The Van Wert County Courthouse

Friday, Jul. 26, 2024

Writer notes Dicamba regulations

To the Editor:

If you live in the country or city, you need to be aware of new regulations on Dicamba. Its volatility can travel for miles, affecting non-resistant field crops, landscape plants such as trees, shrubs, garden plants, and flowers.

Each year, landscapes have damage from herbicides sprayed by neighboring farmers, some who do not follow the rules and guidelines, and sometimes even when they follow regulations. These chemicals are potent and can drift for miles and miles. They can be sprayed following regulations but, due to weather conditions, the vapor can rise, drifting during the night to landscapes and fields causing major damage.

In a recent, local article it states that Monsanto is aggressively pursuing its usage of Dicamba resistant cotton and soybean seed so aggressively that they are suing the state of Arkansas after it banned its use in 2017. A state does not ban a chemical unless it has substantial risk.

John Phipps of USA Farm Report has concerns about Dicamba. He stated it may be necessary to set a setback distance to a residence of a quarter-mile — which he just picked at random — with no Dicamba allowed within that radius. In our highly populated rural areas, that’s not enough due to that volatility. OSU’s Dr. Mark Loux has also expressed concerns.

Phipps also stated that farmers faced with damaging nearby crops or landscapes may just have to say “It’s my fault,” then pay for the damages. He said there will be a lot of damage from using this chemical. That, however, doesn’t pay for the years invested in our landscapes!

If you have concerns about Dicamba, or if you have damage, notify the Ohio Department of Agriculture, Pesticide Division by mail, email or telephone calls.

Jeannine Roediger

rural Van Wert County

via email

POSTED: 02/10/18 at 9:31 pm. FILED UNDER: Letters to the Editor