The Van Wert County Courthouse

Wednesday, May. 8, 2024

Twig I holds March meeting at hospital

VW independent/submitted information

Twig I met on Thursday, March 8, at Van Wert County Hospital’s Conference Room A. The meeting was called to order by the chairman Mae Enyart.  She welcomed the 25 members present, then “The Pledge of Allegiance” was recited. Anne Bowen gave the prayer before lunch.

Speaker for the meeting was Rachael Hoverman, who is program chairman for the Master Gardeners program. She talked about the Children’s Garden on the south side of Smiley Park in Van Wert. The garden began as the project of a class of Master Gardeners as it completed its 100-hour course to become certified.

With financial help from the community and the help of many volunteers, the garden became a reality.

It is still operated entirely by volunteers, who work countless hours maintaining it.

The first structure on the premises was the gazebo, while the butterfly house continually remains one of the main attractions. The house is open on Thursday mornings during the time the volunteers are there working with the flowers and vegetables.

There are six special events for children held in the summer, with pre-registration necessary for those events. Information is sent home from school with the children to advise them of the different programs and times. Fliers are also distributed throughout the community.

Children help with some of the planting, as well as the harvesting of vegetables. They are encouraged to taste the vegetables and what is left is given to a food bank.

Tours of the garden can be arranged by contacting Hoverman at the Ohio State University Extension-Van Wert County office.

Chairman Enyart opened the business meeting by recognizing those members with March birthdays: Anne Bowen and Marcia Davies.

A list of items to be purchased by the hospital was reviewed by the members. It was agreed that Twig I would donate $3,700 towards the purchase of one or more items from the list. The final decision will be made at the All-Twig board meeting in April.

At the Thrift Shop on Central Avenue, spring and summer items are currently displayed for sale. Nice winter items are still available as well. Be sure to check out the low, low prices.

Twig I welcomes new members, so those interested should contact any current member.

The next meeting will be Thursday, April 12, in the hospital’s Conference Room A.

Attending the March meeting were Jan Adams, Tressa Bissonette, Anne Bowen, Dot Burley, Marge Clouse, Sharon Clouse, Sue Corle, Marcia Davies, Carol Doner,  Mae Enyart, Lupe Escobedo, Rosemary Foreman, Lois Goudy,  Loretta Grove, Helen Huston, Connie Johnson, Gloria Kimmey, Diana Mace, Ilo Marvin, Ann McCray, Julie Medford,  Susie Methot-Perez, Jean Owens, Nina Ragan, and Nancy Szolach,

POSTED: 03/16/18 at 7:24 am. FILED UNDER: Lifestyles