The Van Wert County Courthouse

Saturday, Feb. 15, 2025

VWES PTO donates funds to city schools

VW independent/submitted information

The Van Wert Elementary School Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) recently presented its largest gifts of the year to Van Wert Elementary School and Van Wert Early Childhood Center. A total of $10,000 was presented to VWES and $3,700 to VWECC for the purchase of books for the Reading Collaborative initiative at each school.

Van Wert Elementary PTO President Julie Burenga presents a check for $10,000 to VWES Principal Justin Krogman and Literacy Coach Donna Clark. photo provided

Each year, the PTO holds one large fundraiser in the fall and, with the money raised, purchases items teachers and students need and would otherwise not be able to afford. In addition to the books, PTO paid for field trips and t-shirts for all students this year, funded the elementary Robotics Team, the VWES wellness program’s 100 Mile Club, supported the fifth grade DARE graduation, and gave teachers stipends to cover classroom costs. Donations to the schools totaled more than $29,000 this school year.

In addition to monetary support, PTO provides lunch for teachers during parent-teacher conferences and volunteers for many events.

The PTO appreciates the community support of its fundraiser each year, which allows this kind of substantial impact on the schools.

POSTED: 04/17/18 at 9:44 am. FILED UNDER: Youth