Bunny Hoppers 4-H club sets 1st meeting
By Kyra Welch
The Van Wert County Bunny Hoppers 4-H Rabbit Club will hold its first meeting of the year on Tuesday February 19, at Ohio State University Extension Office on the Van Wert County Fairgrounds. The meeting will start at 6:30 p.m. and end about 8 that evening.

Anyone interested in 4-H rabbits or rabbits in general is welcome to attend. A parent needs to stay for this opening meeting to help with the club membership forms, projects, dues, and to learn about the club.
At the meeting, the club will be getting organized for the year, learning some rabbit basics, and finding out about new and changed guidelines in 4-H and the fair. There will also be demonstrations on a few of the 49 different breeds of rabbits, and how to present a successful demonstration.
For information on the 2019 rabbit season and our learning topics, visit the Bunny Hoppers’ web page at: www.vanwertrabbit.org.
For more questions or more information, contact the 4-H Extension office or advisor Chris Heizman at 419.238.4554.
POSTED: 02/08/19 at 6:57 am. FILED UNDER: Youth