The Van Wert County Courthouse

Wednesday, Sep. 11, 2024

Rambler’s Roost has new owners, name

VW independent/submitted information

At 7 a.m. Monday, the Niese family took over operation of The Rambler’s Roost, which will now be known as The Bear’s Den.

Brent and Lisa Niese will manage the restaurant and plan to continue a similar menu and prices, while changing the menu and decor over time. They will remain open 24/7 so they ask customers to be patient with them during the transition and feel free to offer suggestions of what they’d like to see.

The Niese family, new owners of the Better Truck Stop and Rambler’s Roost restaurant, pose with realtor Amber Shrader and attorney Aaron Baker in front of their new business. photo submitted

The Nieses are thankful for the community support and regular customers who continue to patronize the establishment.

“We invite everyone to stop out over the coming months and see what’s new and different,” said Mike Niese.

The Niese family also wished Susan Thompson and PJ Burnett a happy retirement, and also thanked realtor Amber Davis of Schrader Realty and attorney Aaron Baker of the Keister Baker Law Office for their hard work making this deal happen.

POSTED: 10/28/19 at 11:22 am. FILED UNDER: News