The Van Wert County Courthouse

Monday, Jan. 20, 2025

Crime Stoppers 10/30/19

Crime Stoppers will pay you cash for information if it will help the Van Wert Police Department solve two shoplifting cases that occurred at the Van Wert Walmart store.

On September 23, a theft was reported from Walmart where the female in the picture at right took several items of merchandise and passed all points of sale without paying for them. Any information that could lead to the identification of this female will help this case.

If you have any information about this crime, call Crime Stoppers at 419.238.STOP (7867). You will not have to give your name or reveal your identity. If your information helps to solve this case, Crime Stoppers will pay you a cash reward up to $1,000. 

Crime Stoppers also pays cash rewards for information about other felony crimes or wanted fugitives not reported on the Crime of the Week.  

Remember, crime doesn’t pay, but Crime Stoppers does!

POSTED: 10/30/19 at 6:32 am. FILED UNDER: Crime Stoppers