The Van Wert County Courthouse

Friday, Jun. 28, 2024

United Way donates $5,300 to food banks

VW independent/submitted information

United Way of Van Wert County Executive Director Vicki Smith recently presented a check for $5,348.50 to West Ohio Food Bank to be used by the Salvation Army, Trinity Friends Church, and Van Wert Area Cooperative Ministries food pantries. 

Shown are (seated, from the left) United Way Executive Director Vicki Smith, Linda Hamilton of West Ohio Food Bank, and United Way Day of Caring Chairman Karen Lautzenheiser; (standing) Bill Anderson of Trinity Friends Church, Nancy Replogle and Janet Miller of Van Wert Area Cooperative Ministries, and Lt. Joshua Brookman of the Salvation Army. United Way photo

The money was raised at this year’s Day of Caring event held at the end of September. The Day of Caring event added the opportunity to give financially to the food pantries rather than donate food. The money that was collected was put on each food pantries account with West Ohio Food Bank so they can purchase what items they need.

The food collected from the Day of Caring will usually only last until January depending on the need of the families in the community. At times, the pantries will actually run low during the holiday season. With the added funds, the pantries can buy what they need from West Ohio Food Bank. The food pantries can buy food at a discounted rate from West Ohio Food Bank because they pay by weight rather than per item so the money goes farther this way.

This is a great example of collaboration between our community service organizations. When we all work together, we are able to help more families in our area as well as be cost effective.

POSTED: 12/18/19 at 8:26 am. FILED UNDER: News