The Van Wert County Courthouse

Wednesday, Jun. 26, 2024

Latta votes ‘no’ on war powers measure

Submitted information

WASHINGTON, D.C. — On Thursday, U.S. Representative Bob Latta (R-5th District) provided the following statement after voting against the House Democrats’ War Powers Concurrent Resolution: 

“The President’s action to order the strike to kill a known terrorist who was responsible for heinous crimes and the killing of hundreds of American troops was not only justified, but more importantly, it was legal. As Commander in Chief, the President has the Article II Constitutional authority to use force to protect and defend our country and the men and women in our Armed Forces. Furthermore, the swift nature of this decision was crucial to ensuring the mission was successful and executed in the safest possible way. 

“This resolution wrongly forbids the use of force against any part of Iran’s government or military, even if they are threatening or attacking American civilians, diplomats, or allies. It is important to note that our Armed Forces are not engaged in hostilities against Iran even though the resolution calls for us to withdraw from such engagements. 

“Speaker Pelosi brought this to the floor under the guise of a repeal of the Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF) vote, which is why this was a vote on a Concurrent Resolution instead of a Joint Resolution, and this action will never be anything more than a Sense of Congress with no legal bindings. This is another example of how the House Democrats’ bias against the President is clouding their judgment. Their continued efforts to undermine the Administration has the potential to put our country at risk at home and abroad, which will only embolden dangerous foreign actors.”

POSTED: 01/10/20 at 12:34 am. FILED UNDER: News