The Van Wert County Courthouse

Wednesday, Sep. 11, 2024

9-1-1 head honors dispatchers

To the Editor:

In honor of National Telecommunicators week April 12 to 18, 2020, I would like to recognize our local 9-1-1 dispatchers. 

This is the week we publicly honor them that have dedicated their lives to serving the public. 

9-1-1 dispatchers do not expect to be recognized they are happy to remain anonymous behind the scenes, only heard on the phone or the radio and unseen by the public.

9-1-1 Dispatchers provide the steady voice when we need them most to get help and resources sent where they are needed.  

24/7 365 (days a year) they are the calm voice behind the scene, answering our 9-1-1 call on our toughest days. They provide critical assistance during the worst situations every single day.

Let me tell you their work makes a difference. They keep officers safe. They call for the needed resources at the fire scene or accident, whatever the emergency and whatever the service and equipment requested. They provide CPR instructions and other medical information when needed. 

9-1-1 dispatchers handle the hysterical caller on both ends of the spectrum the silly person who just does not have a clue what they need, to the mother who has just found the unimaginable, to giving out everyday information. All types of situations fall in their job description emergency and non-emergency. 

If there is a job that requires nerves of steel and a sense of humor, it is this one. When a 9-1-1 dispatcher sits down at the communications console, they have no idea what they will be tasked to handle during the eight to twelve hour shift, but believe me they are trained  to handle police, fire and medical emergencies, they are up for the challenge. 

I thank them for the sacrifices they make to keep us all safe. 9-1-1 dispatchers cannot work from home in a pandemic. They work the night shift, the holidays, the bad storms. They miss birthday parties and other celebrations to keep us safe. 

Their dedication and expertise deserve recognition especially this week as we honor tele-communicators across the nation. 

Their commitment to their profession is needed and much appreciated. Thank you, 9-1-1 dispatchers, from the bottom of my heart for all you do every single day sending citizens the help they need and keeping us safe.  


Kim Brandt
Van Wert County 9-1-1 coordinator 
via email

POSTED: 04/09/20 at 9:26 pm. FILED UNDER: Letters to the Editor