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Monday Mailbag: April 27, 2020

SCOTT TRUXELL/independent sports editor

This week’s Monday Mailbag includes questions about the Ohio High School Athletic Association, spring sports and the Cincinnati Bengals.

Q: What are the chances football and other fall sports are canceled or at least delayed? It sounds that’s what OHSAA is working toward. Name withheld upon request

A: It’s probably too early to say exactly what’s going to happen this fall, but I think the Ohio High School Athletic Association and Executive Director Jerry Snodgrass are looking ahead and planning for various scenarios.

Given the situation, that’s a good move and should help prevent scrambling later.

Let’s just hope the fall sports season begins at planned.

Q: Can you tell me if there was any discussion of delaying spring sports past May 4, or was the decision set in stone to cancel? Name withheld upon request

A: I think it’s a moot point any way you look at it.

To be blunt – school buildings were almost certainly never going to re-open this academic year, which meant there was really no chance of spring sports being played.

There were hints and clues from Governor Mike DeWine that classes wouldn’t resume, but the door was left open just in case there was a sharp downturn in COVID-19 cases and that’s why the OHSAA set the May 4 date.

All of us can debate what the right or wrong call was, but it’s done and over with. It wasn’t easy and it’s disappointing for everyone involved.

Q: It seems like the Bengals had a very good draft. How many wins can we pencil them in for, assuming they play this fall? Name withheld upon request

A: I agree, at least on paper the Bengals had a nice draft. Of course, we really won’t know for at least two or three years and as I told a friend, the key is quarterback Joe Burrow, the first overall pick in the draft.

As far as this season, I wouldn’t go nuts. The Bengals should win more than two games, but the odds against a rookie quarterback leading the team to the playoffs aren’t good. I’d say look for about five wins this year.

Q: If the fall sports season is delayed or shortened, how would the Western Buckeye League football race work? How would a league champion be determined? Name withheld upon request

A: Good question.

It certainly wouldn’t be an ideal situation, but like any other season, the team or teams with the fewest league losses would win it.

Obviously, some teams would catch a break if they didn’t have to play certain teams, while others would suffer if they had a top-heavy schedule.

The Midwest Athletic Conference could face a similar situation if the schedule was shortened. Hopefully, it won’t come to that.

If you have a question or a comment for next week’s Monday Mailbag, email it to

POSTED: 04/27/20 at 3:52 am. FILED UNDER: Sports