The Van Wert County Courthouse

Sunday, Feb. 16, 2025

OHSAA: No spring football in Ohio

SCOTT TRUXELL/independent sports editor

COLUMBUS — Perhaps you’ve seen or heard a rumor that because of COVID-19 concerns, high school football in Ohio might be played in the spring of 2021 instead of the fall of 2020.

That information recently made the rounds on social media and other platforms under the heading “OHSAA Revised Two Year Schedule,” and it said it came from a reliable source.

Tim Stried

It also claimed that 2020 fall sports would include baseball, softball boys and girls golf, boys and girls tennis, track and field, lacrosse and field hockey.

The information that circulated also claimed that winter sports would include a shortened basketball season, wrestling, swimming, bowling and gymnastics, followed by boys and girls soccer, volleyball and football in the spring.

It claimed high school football’s regular season would begin March 22, 2021, with the playoffs starting on May 28, and championship weekend June 25-28.

In some respects it sounds feasible, leading many people to believe it’s true or at least a real possibility, but according to Ohio High School Director of Communications Tim Stried, the information is false.

“There is no truth to that,” Stried said. “That didn’t come from anyone at the OHSAA.”

In addition, OHSAA Executive Director Jerry Snodgrass took to Twitter to remind school administrators that any changes or updates to schedules, bylaw adjustments or regulations will always come from the Ohio High School Athletic Association and not through “reliable sources.”

Stried did acknowledge that the OHSAA is planning for many different possible scenarios for this fall, just in case.

“Our sport administration staff is having many meetings with each other and Jerry to map out various scenarios,” Stried explained. “We are listening to input and feedback from others, but this decision will mainly be driven by when the Governor and the Ohio Department of Health deem it safe for school facilities to reopen.”

As it stands now, practices for 2020 fall sports – cross country, golf, football and volleyball – will begin on August 1.

POSTED: 04/30/20 at 3:49 am. FILED UNDER: Sports