The Van Wert County Courthouse

Tuesday, Sep. 10, 2024

Dolby has tips on taking fireworks photos

VW independent/submitted information

Local amateur photographer Rex Dolby has some tips that may result in some impressive Fourth of July photos.

If possible, scout possible shooting sites for features that might be used in the foreground to make the picture more interesting. If those taking fireworks photos can determine the likely wind direction, they should locate their position 90 degrees to it, so the wind will clear the smoke away for a clearer sky.

Rex Dolby snapped this fireworks photo.

Arrive early enough at the shooting site so that late-comers won’t set up in front. This extra time will help photographers make sure their tripod is securely placed and the camera is properly set. Bring a flashlight to later make any necessary camera changes and extra batteries to be sure to get the “big ending”.

Use a camera’s view screen to track the rocket’s trail, or keep one eye in the view finder and the other on the trail of sparks so the lens will be pointing where the burst will occur. Put a thumb under the camera body and finger on the release button and squeeze to reduce camera movement. A remote release would be an even better option.

It is a matter of choice whether to freeze the burst or to allow for some trails of light. Try it both ways and then decide. ISO settings will also affect shutter speed. Use a low ISO for a longer lens opening and a higher one for a quicker lens opening. Use manual settings because the auto setting will require more light for a good exposure because of the darkness of the night sky. The burst will be over exposed.

For those using smart phones, there are holders that will fit on a tripod for less shake. Plug in the phone’s earbuds and trip the shutter with the volume control for even better results.

POSTED: 06/29/20 at 10:05 pm. FILED UNDER: News