The Van Wert County Courthouse

Sunday, Jun. 16, 2024

Community Impact grant…

The United Way of Van Wert County allots funds called Community Impact Funding that is to be allocated to qualified applicants each year. This year, First United Methodist Church applied for, and was granted, $2,000 to help fund its fifth annual Operation Back to School outreach event to be held from 3-5:30 p.m. Sunday, August 2, at the Van Wert County Fairgrounds. Each year, Operation Back to School provides book bags filled with school supplies and personal hygiene items to all children, preschool through 12th grade, in Van Wert County. Last year’s event served over 900 children and 500 families. In addition, 20 community agencies had booths of information, door prizes were given away throughout the afternoon, games and activities for the children were available and free food was provided to all who attended. Planning is still being adjusted, as this year’s event will look a little different in order to take precautions for the Covid-19 pandemic, but regardless the event is sure to be a successful one. Accepting the check from United Way of Van Wert County Executive Director Vicki Smith is Teresa Shaffer, First United Methodist Church director of outreach ministries. United Way photo

POSTED: 07/01/20 at 6:59 am. FILED UNDER: News