The Van Wert County Courthouse

Thursday, Jun. 27, 2024

Monday Mailbag: high school sports

SCOTT TRUXELL/independent sports editor

This week’s Monday Mailbag features questions about swapping fall and spring sports, changing team mascot names, football playoff scenarios and a decision on fall sports.

Q: I read where fall sports and spring sports may be switched in Michigan. What are the chances that happens and if it does, will Ohio follow suit? Name withheld upon request

A: The proposal to swap fall and spring sports came from Governor Gretchen Whitmer and the Michigan High School Athletic Association said it would consider it and make a decision later this month.

Personally, I have a lot of questions about it, mainly about football.

If I’m understanding it correctly, two-a-day football practices would begin around the time postseason basketball would start. That seems far from ideal. The season would end in late May or early June, which leaves a very short window to prepare for the 2021 season.

I’ve also heard the swap could only affect teams in the lower portion of Michigan, which could create some logistical problems.

Bottom line – In a year of uncertainty, I have no idea if it’ll happen. If it does, it wouldn’t shock me if Ohio and other states follow suit.

Q: Political correctness has gone amok. The Washington Redskins and the Cleveland Indians are being pressured into changing their team names. How long until it filters down to college teams like Florida State and the high school level, like Wapakoneta? Name withheld upon request

A: At the professional level it’s about money. If sponsors get antsy and threaten to pull out, you can bet changes will be made.

The same can be said for collegiate sports and some teams have changed mascot names over the years, including the Miami Redhawks, formerly the Redskins.

As far as the high school level, that’s a good question. Some schools and communities might on board changing, others not so much. It’s not exactly a one size fits all scenario.

I do think changes will be made at all levels, although not necessarily across the board.

Q: What’s going to happen if a high school football team goes 6-0 or 7-0 this fall, with three or four games canceled because of COVID-19? Would they qualify for the playoffs? Name withheld upon request

A: That scenario isn’t far fetched. Let’s say this team had an opponent or two cancel because of COVID-19 and perhaps this team had to cancel a game or two for the same reason.

Assuming the season is played in some form or fashion, you could see certain games played and others canceled depending on the virus. If an area is deemed a hotspot, a number of games could be affected.

I know the Ohio High School Athletic Association is working on multiple scenarios and I’m sure this is one of them. As for your scenario, I don’t have an answer and I’m guessing the OHSAA doesn’t have the answer yet either.

Q: With big spikes in COVID-19 each day, it seems pretty obvious to me that high school sports will be canceled this fall. When will OHSAA pull the plug? Name withheld upon request

A: I’m not sure I agree with you, although it is a possibility.

The Ohio High School Athletic Association won’t make a decision like that until Governor Mike DeWine basically does it, or at least sets guidelines that would all but make it impossible for athletic contests to be played.

We should know fairly soon. Practices for fall sports are scheduled to begin August 1.

If you have a question or comment for the next Monday Mailbag, feel free to email it to

POSTED: 07/06/20 at 5:48 am. FILED UNDER: Sports