The Van Wert County Courthouse

Friday, Jul. 26, 2024

No comet, but still good sky photos

I congratulate all those who photographed, or at least saw the comet. I went west and north of Van Wert on three consecutive nights and, for whatever reason, failed to see it even with my 10 x 35 binoculars.

Although I was blanked on my primary goal, there were a number of pluses to the experience. One was how impressed I was with the amount of light just a sliver of the moon produces. At no time was I ever in really dark circumstances.

Rex Dolby’s photo of the Big Dipper in the sky northwest of Van Wert.

Another was that the temperature was mild and a slight breeze made the time bearable.   I only used bug spray one evening.  Every evening however, when I returned to my car, all the windows were so heavily steamed that I could scarcely see out till the air conditioner cleared them off.

Each night I pulled off the road at a different location thinking I was really out in a remote area. Not so. No matter if it was a north-south or an east-west road, vehicles passed me all evening from both directions.  On several occasions, cars from both directions passed each other near or at my location.   

At least I got what I would describe as a good photo of the Big Dipper and its neighboring stars. Maybe next time the results will be more impressive!

You might be interested in the Perseid meteor shower which is going on now and will peak on August 11-12. Look in the northeastern sky after midnight.

POSTED: 07/30/20 at 2:52 pm. FILED UNDER: Camera Club News