The Van Wert County Courthouse

Friday, Jan. 17, 2025

VWCS OKs contracts, hears ticket update

SCOTT TRUXELL/independent writer

Administrative contracts and personnel matters were a key part of Wednesday’s Van Wert City Board of Education meeting.

Three-year contracts were approved for High School Principal Bob Priest, Early Childhood Center Principal Lori Bittner, and Middle School Principal Ben Collins. Collins also resigned his position as varsity wrestling coach.

VWCS Superintendent Mark Bagley speaks during Wednesday’s City Board of Education meeting, while District Treasurer Michelle Mawer looks on. Scott Truxell/Van Wert independent

The board also approved a two-year contract for Assistant Superintendent Bill Clifton.

Teaching contracts were approved for Libby Burkhart and Shelby Pleiman, kindergarten; Samantha Quatman, fifth grade math; and Emma Dues, high school math. Karlin Dunlap, Aimee Bassett, and Ginny Marbaugh were hired as teachers at the Van Wert School at the S.F. Goedde Building; Chris Amstutz was hired as a secretary at the same building; and Donna Myers was approved as a paraprofessional. The rehiring of Kerry Koontz as high school career counselor was approved as well.

Winter head coaches were given approval by board members. They include Ben Laudick, boys’ basketball; Hannah Phlipot, girls’ basketball; Megan Hurless, swimming; Kevin Decker, bowling; and Samantha Fleming, cheerleading.

The board accepted the resignations of preschool teacher Regina Brenneman and Early Childhood Center paraprofessional Kathy Wiseman, and the retirement-resignation of high school math teacher Kim Doidge, who is seeking re-employment with the district. A public hearing on her re-hiring will be held at the June board meeting.

The board’s representative to the Athletic Council, Dr. Rachel White, said every Western Buckeye League school except Van Wert will use online ticketing for athletic events this fall.

“We as an athletic council discussed some serious concerns with that, especially elderly community members that may find it difficult to access the online platform,” White said. “There’s a fee, so you’re increasing the cost of the tickets, so all WBL tickets in other places will be $8, and they’re not able to charge a student fee, so we’re very concerned about what that could do to our student attendance.”

“We’re still talking and I know Mr. Priest was going to reach out to other principals and ask what their thoughts are,” White added. “At this point I don’t think we anticipate using an online (only) platform or making a major change in our prices, but we will have an online option.”

During his report, Superintendent Mark Bagley voiced concerns about House Bill 290, which calls for vouchers to be made available to all students in public schools, and he said state championship signs will soon go up at five different entrance points to the city.

Clifton thanked teachers, staff, administrators, and students for making the 2020-2021 school year a successful one.

“It’s been a year, and when you hear and listen to some of the stories across the State of Ohio, we have a lot to be thankful for,” Clifton said. “I can’t be any more proud to be from a school district that started on August 24 and shut down on May 21 — that’s pretty darn good.”

Clifton also praised Bagley for his work during a COVID-19 school year and he noted that, in partnership with the YWCA, the summer food program will be offered in June and July at the Goedde Building.

Van Wert Middle School intervention specialist Marie Markward and three students offered a brief presentation on a 12-week transition program.

The board approved the updated five-year financial forecast and accepted nearly $8,000 worth of various donations, including more than $4,600 from the VWCS Elementary PTO to the Early Childhood Center student activity account.

The next meeting of the Van Wert City Board of Education will be held at 5 p.m. Wednesday, June 23, in the First Federal Lecture Hall of the Niswonger Performing Arts Center.

POSTED: 05/26/21 at 10:54 pm. FILED UNDER: News