The Van Wert County Courthouse

Monday, Jun. 24, 2024

State approves Vision Park spec building

Independent staff and submitted information

A new 100,000-square-foot spec building has been approved as part of JobsOhio’s Ohio Site Inventory Program. Having the building in the state development program will leverage the expertise of private developers, fill gaps in Ohio’s industrial building portfolio, and speed up the process of bringing economically impactful inventory online.

Shown is the spec building built in 2019 at 1180 Kear Road.

Van Wert Area Economic Development Corporation Executive Director Stacy Adam said Robinson Investments, which was also the developer of a similar-sized building at 1180 Kear Road several years ago, is also developing the new building in Vision Industrial Park.

“We are pleased that the Van Wert project received approval for the Ohio Site Inventory Program,” Adam noted. “Through the project, we will be able to complete the Maddox Creek remediation to resolve a flood plain risk in Vision Park, extend Vision Drive, creating access to the proposed site, as well as the adjacent 59-acre Site Authenticated parcel, and will be able to offer another 100,000-square-foot spec building in Visition Park, creating development opportunity for the future.”

Construction is scheduled to start by May 1, 2022, and be completed by May 1, 2023, Adam said, noting that the Kear Road spec building completed in December 2019 was also constructed through a JobsOhio pilot program. It was leased the same month the occupancy permit was issued.

POSTED: 08/23/21 at 11:35 pm. FILED UNDER: News