The Van Wert County Courthouse

Thursday, Jun. 27, 2024

VWCS Quality Profile results now online

Van Wert independent staff and submitted information

Van Wert City Schools recently released its 2021-2022 Quality Profile.

The goal of the Quality Profile is to provide community members and stakeholders with a clear understanding of what is happening throughout the school district.

This year’s profile details the innovative educational opportunities taking place in the school buildings and reflects on the district’s many academic and athletic accomplishments.

Van Wert City Schools is on the forefront of education as a PBL (Project Based Learning) district, ensuring all students become college and career ready with real-world learning experiences.

As a pioneer in education with the CEO (Career Education Opportunities) program, Van Wert High School offers all seniors in Van Wert County the opportunity to gain hands-on experiences in a career field of interest through community internships while obtaining high school credit. Senior interns report every day for one semester during his or her scheduled time and the time of the day varies and is coordinated with the student’s schedule in an effort to match the time of day that works best for the business.

According to the program’s mission statement, the goal is to respond to local business demand by utilizing student talents and skills. Likewise, the partnerships also lend the opportunity for students to enhance soft skills, technical skills, and overall employability skills.

“The educational experience at Van Wert is unlike anything around the state of Ohio,” Superintendent Mark Bagley said. “This is a particularly special Quality Profile, as it looks back on a school year that took place under the most unusual circumstances. Our staff and students made the best of a very challenging situation and carried that same resilience and a We>Me attitude into the current school year.”

“I am so proud of the entire Van Wert City Schools community and this publication is a celebration of all that we accomplished together as a team,” Bagley added.

The Van Wert City Schools Quality Profile can be found here.

POSTED: 02/17/22 at 4:38 am. FILED UNDER: News