The Van Wert County Courthouse

Tuesday, Sep. 10, 2024

Support Eggerss Stadium issue

To the Editor:

With the May 3 election quickly approaching, I’d like to encourage everyone to get out and vote in favor of the Eggerss Stadium renovation. 

I was reminded over the weekend about how fortunate we are to live in this community. A former resident came to visit Van Wert and his pictures of so many beautiful sites were posted on Facebook. He was so inspired by all of the beauty Van Wert offers that he spent an afternoon snapping pictures.  The courthouse, several churches, the library, the parks, the NPAC, Central, and the downtown area, in general, were all included in his gallery. 

I actually ran into him at the Eggerss Stadium event and told him how much I enjoyed looking at the post. I pass by many of these daily and really don’t take the time to appreciate their beauty. Each one of the structures has a story, a purpose, and a beginning – simply by a thought or a dream of Van Wert residents.  

Let’s add another landmark to our beautiful town. Take time to enjoy our city when you’re out for a drive and show your Cougar Pride by getting out and voting YES for the Van Wert City School Bond on May 3! 

Chris Thomas
VWHS Class of 1968

POSTED: 04/26/22 at 8:27 am. FILED UNDER: Letters to the Editor