The Van Wert County Courthouse

Friday, Jun. 28, 2024

Lincolnview Bd. OKs student handbooks

SCOTT TRUXELL/independent editor

Student handbooks for the 2022-2023 school year were officially approved during Thursday night’s meeting of the Lincolnview Board of Education.

The vote was a narrow one, 3-2, with board members Lori Snyder, Eric Germann and Michelle Gorman voting yes, and Mark Zielke and Brad Coil casting no votes on both the elementary and junior high/high school handbooks. The vote came after a lengthy discussion that included board members and a handful of parents and teachers.

Board president Lori Snyder reads aloud items from the agenda. Scott Truxell/Van Wert independent

Coil and Zielke, along with a few others in attendance in the meeting, voiced displeasure with the district’s policy on makeup work once a student returns from vacation while school is in session. Students are required to submit paperwork to teachers before leaving and are required to make up work and tests upon returning.

Superintendent Jeff Snyder noted the policy has been in place for some time.

“Trying to find that right piece to everyone’s satisfaction is very hard,” Snyder said.

In other business, Snyder gave a brief update on the district’s planned elementary renovation and addition project.

“Garman-Miller (achitects) and his team had eight or nine individuals that came in and walked the building so they’re in the design phase of what we talked about and now they’re fine tuning it,” Snyder stated.

He added he’ll share new information once it’s complete and then prepare for the bid process.

Snyder said he plans to talk to Sheriff Tom Riggenbach about potential safety improvements. He also said elementary class lists will be posted August 5 and he said junior high/high school master schedules are complete. Schedules can be picked up after August 9.

During his report, Treasurer Troy Bowersock said he’s in the process of wrapping up fiscal year 2022 and he said while there’s a last ditch effort in Washington D.C. to extend the USDA’s universal free lunch program, he believes there’s no chance it will happen. Due to rising costs, lunch prices are expected to increase during the upcoming school year. More information will be ready next month.

The board approved a number of employment agreements, including elementary intervention specialists Emilee Riley, Lauren Smith and Sara Steineman; Christopher Linton, custodian; Lucy Rice, bus runner; Craig Staley, minor bus maintenance; Madison Langdon, summer cleaning and Sandra Hill, cook.

Extended service contracts were approved for Jordan Due, career tech vo-ag, 40 days; Jay Hoersten, industrial tech, five days; Brenda Leeth, junior high/high school guidance, 20 days; Deb Stetler, high school librarian, 10 days, and Mike Archinal, instrumental music, 20 days.

Supplemental coaching contracts were approved for Devann Norton, eighth grade volleyball; Larry Clark, eighth grade boys basketball; Wayne Longstreth, seventh grade boys basketball, and Emilee Riley, seventh grade volleyball. Kirsten Davis was approved as a volunteer junior high/high school volleyball coach.

The board accepted the resignations of elementary library aide Brooke Gearhart; varsity baseball assistant coach Marcus Meyer; junior varsity coach Eric Giessler, and junior high baseball coach Nick Leeth.

In other business the board:

  • Accepted a $1,200 donation from the Van Wert Service Club to benefit the Lincolnview summer speech program.
  • Renewed membership with the Ohio Coalition for Equity and Adequacy of School Funding for the 2022-2023 school year.
  • Approved an agreement to purchase gas and diesel fuel from Scott Equity.
  • Approved an agreement with 4-K Tire of Delphos to supply tires for school vehicles during the 2022-2023 school year.
  • Approved a service agreement with Western Buckeye Educational Service Center.
  • Approved an agreement for preschool transportation services with the Van Wert County Board of Developmental Disabilities.
  • Approved an agreement with the VWAEDC Business Advisory Council.
  • Approved an agreement with Arps Dairy for dairy products for the upcoming school year.
  • Approved the district’s new strategic plan by a 4-1 vote, with Coil voting no.

The board also honored state track and field qualifiers and the 2022 state runner-up softball team.

The next meeting of the Lincolnview Local Schools Board of Education will be held at 6 p.m. Wednesday, July 20, in the Neubrecht Lecture Hall.

POSTED: 07/01/22 at 3:45 am. FILED UNDER: News