The Van Wert County Courthouse

Tuesday, Jun. 25, 2024

Outstanding students…

Crestview Elementary recently named its Students of the Month, sponsored by Van Wert Cinemas. Students making the Knight Leader Board each receive a free 30-day pass to the movie theater for their entire family. Van Wert Cinemas August/September Students of the Month are (above, left to right): Woodward Young, Lela Murphy, Levi Speaks, Viviene Lirot and Ella Ream. Crestview ECC recognized its kindergarten PBIS ticket winners for September. Winners include (below, front): Remi Carroll and Jaycee Kline; back row: Mason Gibson, Beau Bunker, Ryleigh Dickens, Masyn Runyon, Owen Motycka. Not pictured: Dallas Clark, Aryah Ogg and Maren Dickman. Photos submitted

POSTED: 10/10/22 at 3:45 am. FILED UNDER: News