Writer has questions for candidate
To the Editor,
We need strong leadership to represent all of the people. That is exactly what commissioner candidate Kyle Gehres’ platform says, yet Mr. Gehres is completely ignoring a large part of our county’s voter base.
He chose to speak at a Meet the Candidates event for the Van Wert County Democratic Party. He asked the leadership of the Heartland Patriots for the same opportunity last Tuesday, October 11. He was simply a no show. There were 16 people attending that meeting. He knew that I, among several others, had some very important questions we felt needed to be answered. He clearly acknowledged he voted for President Biden in a county that strongly supported President Trump.
Someone from his campaign placed a sign on a state by way at the exit ramp of US 30 West and 224 which is illegal. His campaign signs are in violation of campaign laws because they do not include a disclaimer. He needs to explain to the primarily Republican electorate of this county why he thinks he deserves our vote when he got what he wanted with the current administration. Is he just ignorant of campaign law or did he willingly place a sign on taxpayer funded ground?
Why was he a no show to a meeting in which he requested to speak where he certainly knew he would be pressed to answer these questions? Either way that is not someone that is ready for the responsibility to run a county of almost 29,000 people. We need leaders that are not afraid and follow or know the law. That man is Thad Lichtensteiger, who has been a humble community servant for many years.
Jeremy Kitson
Wren, Ohio
POSTED: 10/14/22 at 8:38 am. FILED UNDER: Letters to the Editor