The Van Wert County Courthouse

Thursday, Jun. 27, 2024

Lincolnview board sees 3D renderings

SCOTT TRUXELL/independent editor

Preliminary addition plans to Lincolnview Elementary were unveiled during Wednesday night’s school board meeting.

Brian Wolf and Katie Yinger of Minster-based Garmann Miller shared 3D drawings with the board, with the focus on a special education suite and the new library concept.

“The special education suite consists of two classrooms, an administrative office area, a storage area and a sensory room,” Superintendent Jeff Snyder explained. “We’re taking the old library and converting that over into a kindergarten classroom with a new library. We’ll have a little more square footage and then we’re adding some flexible classrooms in the front to have some Lego and robotics building.”

Wolf and Yinger said because some construction items will need to be craned over the building and courtyard, it would be best to start the project in May, once school is out for the summer.

Garmann Miller will continue to work on plans for the elementary entrance and administrative offices, along with the cafeteria area. Snyder also said unfortunately, the anticipated price tag for the project has risen by approximately $500,000, taking it to $5.2 million.

“This hasn’t been put out to bid, so the bids could under that amount, let’s hope so,” Snyder said. “The cost of construction continues to rise.”

During his report to the board, Lincolnview Jr. High/High School Principal Brad Mendenhall said 25 new members will be inducted into the National Honor Society October 23. He also noted three students – Lillian Price, Leigha Bendele, and Parker McKenzie – were recently inducted into the National Technical Honor Society at Vantage Career Center, and he congratulated junior varsity and varsity Scholastic Bowl teams for winning NWC championships.

Elementary Principal Nita Meyer ran down a list of events that have occurred this month and noted first quarter report cards are going home today, and said the annual fall festival is scheduled for October 28.

Snyder reminded the board that parent teacher conferences are coming up and he thanked the district’s 11 bus drivers as part of National School Bus Safety Week. He also noted the annual Veterans Day program will be held November 11 in the high school gym.

Treasurer Troy Bowersock reviewed infomation covering the upcoming annual insurance open-enrollment that will take place October 31 through November 13 for all employees via an online platform, and he reviewed the draft version of the fiscal year 2023 five year forecast that will be presented to the board for approval in November.

The board approved Alison Hammons as spirit squad advisor, Chayten Overholt as freshman boys basketball coach, and Aaron Cavinder, volunteer boys basketball coach.

William Hanna was hired as interim maintenance supervisor, and the board approved a nine-day extended service supplemental contract for Jordan Dues, with the money coming from “fifth quarter” grant. The board also accepted the resignation of Lisa Enyart, cook.

The next meeting of the Lincolnview Local Schools Board of Education will be 6 p.m. Wednesday, November 16, in the Neubrecht Lecture Hall.

POSTED: 10/20/22 at 3:42 am. FILED UNDER: News