The Van Wert County Courthouse

Thursday, Jun. 27, 2024

Monday Mailbag: picks, Glenville, more

SCOTT TRUXELL/independent editor

This week’s Monday Mailbag features questions about weekly football picks, basketball season and Glenville, plus a comment about Crestview volleyball.

Q: What do you think now after picking against Van Wert? You should be ashamed of yourself. How about supporting the Cougars for once, instead of picking against them? I’ll bet you won’t publish this. Name withheld upon request

A: I think my pick was wrong and I’m proud of the guys for making that happen. Like it or not, Van Wert was considered the underdog going into the game, but the coaches and kids put together an excellent game plan and were able to execute it on Saturday.

As far as picking against the Cougars, I pick who I think is going to win the game, not who I want to win the game. At least this season I’ve been right about 80 percent of the time and wrong 20 percent of the time. Perhaps you don’t realize this but the last time I actually picked against them was the 2020 regional semifinals at Bellevue.

C: This isn’t a question but I just want to congratulate Crestview on a great run to the state tournament. The girls should be proud of themselves for everything they accomplished this season. Name withheld upon request

A: I second that. What a great run and what a great season full of memories. Well done ladies.

Q: What affect will Van Wert’s football success have on the basketball season? Name withheld upon request

A: The season will start later than expected, which means more games will be crammed into a shorter period of time. The rescheduling process is underway for the first two weeks of the season and as soon as we know, we’ll pass the new dates along.

With a lot of returning talented players, I expect the Cougars to do very well once they get the season underway.

Q: How good is this Glenville team? When you look at their schedule they really haven’t played anyone. I can’t help but think their record is inflated. Name withheld upon request

A: We’ll find out for sure Saturday night but make no mistake, this team is very good.

As far as not playing anyone, it’s true the Senate Athletic League isn’t exactly a powerhouse, but the Tarblooders did beat three playoff teams in non-conference play. Two of those teams are still alive in the playoffs, Division I Olentangy Liberty and Division II Avon. They also beat Elyria Catholic 54-7, a team that was ranked No. 8 in Division IV.

If you have a question or comment for the next Monday Mailbag, please email it to

POSTED: 11/14/22 at 4:50 am. FILED UNDER: Sports