The Van Wert County Courthouse

Wednesday, Jun. 26, 2024

Project Hulk expected to bring new jobs

SCOTT TRUXELL/independent editor

Few details are available at this point, but it appears new development and new jobs are coming to Van Wert.

During Monday night’s meeting of Van Wert City Council, Stacy Adam, Executive Director of the Van Wert Area Economic Development Corporation, requested council’s help to extend Vision Drive for “Project Hulk” at Vision Industrial Park.

“We have a prospect at the site directly east of the spec building for Project Hulk,” Adam explained. “The prospect has signed a letter of intent and we are working on the purchase agreement. The problem is today, there’s no access to that ground to their site so we need to extend Vision Drive.”

VWAEDC Executive Director Stacy Adam talks about a potential new prospect at Vision Industrial Park. Scott Truxell/Van Wert independent

Adam said extension was originally estimated to cost $750,000 but a revised estimate is $477,000. She also noted there are three funding sources. ODOT has already committed $119,500 for the project, while the VWAEDC has requested 50 percent from JobsOhio, leaving $119,500 remaining. The developer of the spec building has received grant money and Adam said she’ll go to him asking for the balance of funds to get the road extension completed.

Adam asked for the city to commit to responsibility for the road extension and to allow her to continue to work on funding, a request that was granted by council. Due to a binding non-disclosure agreement, she couldn’t provide specific details about the prospect or “Project Hulk,” but she did offer some enticing data.

“$17.5 million for the building, a $50 million total investment on the project, 100 jobs, and $4.8 million in annual revenue,” Adam stated.

In other business during Monday’s meeting, council members approved the city’s 2023 budget on its third and final reading. The vote was 6-1, with Fourth Ward Councilman Andrew Davis casting the lone no vote. The general fund budget is approximately $8.6 million, while the overall budget is $24.2 million.

Council also approved a pair of “then and now” payments – one for $39,437 for work done in 2019 to the Jefferson St. bridge and immediate area and one $23,066.11 for work at U.S. 127 and 224.

During his report to council, Safety-Service Director Jay Fleming said bids for sewer line work under Eggerss Stadium came in approximately $200,000 higher than expected and he said the project is being re-bid.

“It all pretty much centered around the availability of 30-inch pipe,” Fleming explained. “We think we have a solution worked out that’s potentially going to get this thing about $100,000 less than that. We have a couple more contractors that are interested this time around.”

He also said City Auditor Martha Balyeat has increased the budget for the project and he said new bids will be opened January 5. He added despite the delay, the project remains on schedule.

Fleming gave advance notice of N. Washington St., between the railroad tracks and Main St. being closed January 10-11 for waterline work. Traffic will be detoured along U.S. 30 and 224 and Van Wert-Decatur Road.

Mayor Ken Markward informed council members that he’s reappointed Fleming to the Design Review Board and Adam to the Community Reinvestment Board, with both terms ending December 31, 2025. With the approval of council, he also reappointed Sam Laurent to the Board of Zoning Appeals, with that term ending December 31, 2027. Markward also introduced Linda Hartsock, who will take over as Council Clerk in January.

The next meeting of Van Wert City Council will be held at 6:30 p.m. Monday, December 26, in Council Chambers on the second floor of the Municipal Building, 515 E. Main St.

POSTED: 12/13/22 at 4:43 am. FILED UNDER: News