The Van Wert County Courthouse

Monday, Jun. 17, 2024

JPHS to present special movie night

Submitted information

PAULDING — The second annual “Movie Night at the Museum” will be presented at John Paulding Historical Society at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, August 15. The public is invited to watch the premiere of “Les Weidenhamer’s Museum Stories” at 600 Fairground Drive in Paulding.

A free-will donation will be accepted at the door. Popcorn and drink will be provided. Black Swamp Arbor, Gleaner Life Insurance is sponsoring the event. All proceeds will go to the historical society.

This year’s presentation is a video shot by Kim Sutton in 2014, when she was historical society vice president and Les Weidenhamer was president. Weidenheimer was a founder of the historical society and museum and served as president for 22 years before his untimely death in 2017. In the movie, he gives a unique tour of the museum, providing insights about many of the displays and artifacts.

Last year, about 100 people attended the first Movie Night to see the PBS documentary “The Story of the Great Black Swamp.”

For additional information, check the historical society’s Facebook page.

POSTED: 08/04/23 at 9:05 pm. FILED UNDER: News