The Van Wert County Courthouse

Sunday, Jun. 16, 2024

Monday Mailbag: football, NWC, Eggerss

SCOTT TRUXELL/independent editor

The first Monday Mailbag of the 2023 fall sports season features questions and comments about Van Wert’s and Crestview’s football teams, Delphos St. John’s, the NWC and Eggerss Stadium.

Q: After watching the Van Wert-Crestview scrimmage on Friday, should we be concerned about the Cougars? Name withheld upon request

A: Personally, I don’t read too much into scrimmages but it’s accurate to say both teams did some good things and both teams have some things to work on. That’s what’s nice about scrimmages – you can see what you’re doing well and what you need to address while facing different competition.

Yes, there’s plenty of room for improvement but I think the Cougars will be just fine this season.

Q: It appears you picked Crestview too low in your preseason poll. The Knights looked great against Van Wert and are ready to roll through the NWC. Name withheld upon request

A: Crestview did indeed look sharp against Van Wert during the two quarter live action portion of the scrimmage, especially on offense.

Of course, a scrimmage is different that a real game and once the season kicks off, a number of factors will come into play. If the Knights continue to improve each week and shore up a couple of things and remain healthy, they should be able to enjoy a good season.

The upper half of the NWC should be very competitive this season.

Q: Any update on Delphos St. John’s and the NWC? What about other schools? Name withheld upon request

A: The update is…there is no update at the moment.

I’m told Delphos St. John’s will make a decision one way or another in September. I think I know which way it’s going to go but I’m not comfortable saying it here.

As far as other schools, I think it depends on what Delphos St. John’s decides. If the Blue Jays join the NWC, it’s possible that a football-only member could be added. I’m not saying that’s what would happen but it’s an option.

Q: Why doesn’t the NWC expand to a 10 team conference? Just add Delphos St. John’s, Parkway and Wayne Trace? Name withheld upon request

A: Sounds great. There’s one problem though – Parkway already declined an invitation and it doesn’t appear Wayne Trace has any interest in switching conference. Honestly, they’re in a pretty good spot now and it doesn’t make sense to move. We still don’t know what decision Delphos St. John’s will make.

Q: What happens if Eggerss Stadium isn’t ready by the first home game? What happens then? Name withheld upon request?

A: I’m 99.99 percent sure that won’t be an issue. The progress that was made in just a week has been nothing short of amazing. There’s still some work to do but I have every confidence everything on the list will be checked off by August 25.

If for some reason it wasn’t ready (it will be), I’m guessing the game would be moved to Bath but again, I’m extremely confident the stadium will be ready on the 25th.

As you know, this is a multi-phase project, with more work to be done in 2024 and 2025. The main priorities for this year were concrete restoration, turf and handrails.

If you have a sports question or comment for the next Monday Mailbag, please email it to Please indicate if you would like your name used or withheld. Questions or comments can be about any sport at the high school, college or pro level.

POSTED: 08/14/23 at 3:44 am. FILED UNDER: Sports