The Van Wert County Courthouse

Wednesday, Sep. 11, 2024

Retired teachers to hold fall meeting

VW independent staff/submitted information

The Van Wert Area Retired Teachers Association (VWARTA) will host a fall luncheon and program at 12 p.m. Friday, October 20, at Willow Bend Country Club. Members are encouraged to attend as the group will welcome newly retired educators to the event. Local VWARTA dues of $10 for 2024 will be accepted at this meeting.

The luncheon menu includes meatloaf, potatoes, broccoli, Jello salad, dinner roll, and apple crisp, along with coffee or tea. The meal cost remains at $11 per person. Meal reservations can be made to Jean Minnig by 6 p.m. October 18, by calling 419.203.0642 or by email,

The program topic will be alternative educational programs used by local educators as they strive to meet the needs of nontraditional learners. The featured speakers will be Rhonda Cunningham, Director of the Van Wert School at The Goedde, along with Van Wert City Schools Assistant Superintendent Bob Priest. They will share the school mission and some of the strategies applied to helping their students to be successful learners.

A brief business session will follow the presentation including STRS pension updates and STRS board concerns.

For more information about the local Van Wert ORTA chapter (Ohio Retirement for Teachers Association), contact Deb Kleinhenz, Acting Van Wert President at 419.203.2283.

POSTED: 10/16/23 at 10:32 am. FILED UNDER: Lifestyles, News