The Van Wert County Courthouse

Monday, Jun. 17, 2024

L’view Bd. hears about eclipse, more

SCOTT TRUXELL/independent editor

Noting various concerns about the April 8, 2024 total solar eclipse, Lincolnview Local Schools Superintendent Jeff Snyder wants the school board to consider some options for that day.

Snyder briefly touched on the topic during Thursday night’s monthly meeting and said possible cell phone and communication overloads, a large number of visitors and possible heavy traffic are among the concerns, along with the timing of the eclipse that day. Van Wert County is directly in the path of the rare eclipse and it’s been estimated that the county’s population will double for the event.

Superintendent Jeff Snyder talks about eclipse day, April 8, 2024. Scott Truxell/Van Wert independent

Snyder said he’s talked with superintendents from other nearby school districts about their plans and he said it feels like most are considering not having school that day. Earlier this week, Crestview Local Schools Superintendent Kathy Mollenkopf suggested swapping days off – Presidents Day for eclipse day.

“What I want to do is bring back at the next board meeting some concepts and then we can either act on them then or at the December meeting or leave things as-is,” Snyder told the board. “We’re trying to use common sense.”

Snyder also updated the board on the ongoing elementary school renovation and addition project and said it remains on schedule.

“We’re not in a race, we want to do it right but we also want to get it done and done the right way,” he said.

He also told the board information will go out soon about the district’s upcoming five year, 2.5 mill renewal for permanent improvements.

Board members heard three different presentations – the steel drum band (see story above), a new program at the high school called “School Beans” and information about “Soar with STEM.”

During her report to the board, elementary principal Nita Meyer said grade cards are going out today and she said the annual fall festival will be held October 27. Parent-teacher conferences are scheduled for November 1-2.

Junior high/high school principal Brad Mendenhall said the Lincolnview Honor Society induction ceremony will be held at 2 p.m. Sunday, November 12, at the Marsh Foundation.

In personnel matters, the board approved personal services contracts with Clay Erman and Becky Fackler, co-assistant high school softball coaches, and supplemental contracts for Karla Bowersock, co-assistant high school softball coach, and Lauren Calvert, junior varsity softball coach.

Board members accepted the November 1 retirement resignation of custodian Phil Lape, who has been with the district for over 36 years. The board also accepted the resignations of cooks Stephanie Ashbaugh and Allison Hammand, and the employment of Lisa Vanmetre as a cook.

In other business, the board approved:

  • A snow removal contract with Clint Myers Excavating.
  • A trip to Nashville, Tennessee, March 8-12 for the baseball team to play in a number of scrimmages and tour Vanderbilt University and Lipscomb University.
  • Membership in the Western Ohio Advocacy Network.
  • Temporary appropriations for fiscal year 2024.
  • A shared services agreement for curriculum director services and community learning center services with the Mercer County Educational Service Center.

The next meeting of the Lincolnview Local Schools Board of Education will be held at 6 p.m. Wednesday, November 15, in the Neubrecht Lecture Hall.

POSTED: 10/20/23 at 3:40 am. FILED UNDER: News