The Van Wert County Courthouse

Tuesday, Jun. 18, 2024

Local issues pass; state issues fail locally

SCOTT TRUXELL/independent editor

Here are the final unofficial results of local issues that appeared on the November 7 ballot, along with local totals for State Issues 1 and 2. All local issues were approved by voters. Results will become official once certified later this month by the Van Wert County Board of Elections.

Village of Ohio City: five years, 3.5 mills, renewal for current operating expenses: Yes: 186 No: 50.

Village of Scott: five years, 2 mills, renewal fire and EMS expenses: Yes: 22 No: 5.

Harrison Township: five years, 2.2 mills, renewal for fire protection and ambulance/emergency services: Yes: 315 No: 88.

Harrison Township: five years, 0.5 mills, renewal for current expenses: Yes: 285 No: 117.

Harrison Township: five years, 0.3 mills, renewal for fire and EMS: Yes: 318 No: 83.

Union Township: five years, 0.8 mills, renewal for current expenses: Yes: 208 No: 103.

Lincolnview Local School District: five years, 2.5 mills, renewal for permanent improvements: Yes: 1,065 No: 542.

Parkway Local School District: five years, 1.5 mills, renewal for permanent improvements (Van Wert County only): Yes: 150 No: 108.

Liberty Township (excluding the Village of Ohio City): three years, 1.4 mills, renewal for fire protection: Yes: 270 No: 75.

Union Township (excluding the Village of Scott): five years, 1.8 mills, renewal: Yes: 207 No: 81.

Willshire Township (excluding the villages of Wren and Willshire): five years, 2 mills, replacement levy for fire and EMS services: Yes: 205 No: 80.

Village of Willshire: electric aggregation: Yes: 60 No: 37.

Village of Willshire: natural gas aggregation: Yes: 59 No: 39.

State Issue 1: Yes: 2,762 No: 6,817.
State Issue 2: Yes: 4,227 No: 5,304.

Editor’s note: State Issue 1, which guarantees abortion rights, passed statewide, as did State Issue 2, which legalizes recreational marijuana.

POSTED: 11/07/23 at 11:26 pm. FILED UNDER: News